Monday 10 September 2012

BFW Personal Mini Blog Trilogy: Possible Oompa Loompa Sighting! Part 1

Coincidentally after writing the Gentleman's blog a.k.a. the Oompa Loompa, there is a possibility I may have found one! I feel like I found Big Foot! Is this real or is the National Enquirer about to drop photos and scandalous articles with "EXPOSED!" stamped all over it? lol

What shall I name this Possible Oompa Loompa (POL) ? Hmm Let's call him Paul. Get it? POL?Paul.. lmao.. It's so cheesy I crack myself up! ;) I met Paul on a dating site. He's intelligent, funny, witty, a good listener, tall, attractive, in shape, 39, has his own home, a car and a good career, he's a good Greek man. Opa! lol  OMG. That's a lot of checks on my check list :).. moving along swiftly... He messaged me, I returned his message we got along great through email, moved to phone conversations where we really clicked and connected. We laughed, we talked, got to know each other. Guys, one thing I noticed right off the bat was when this guy said something, his word was bond. If he said he would text me later, he did. If he said he would call, he did. Every single time without fail. Impressive. That gave me a tremendous sense of security because I didn't have to wonder if he was interested in me, if he was brushing me off, if he lost interest in me...This is called Crazy Prevention guys!!! By being consistent and following through. a sane woman will feel more secure and more at ease therefore settling any potential crazy vibes... Impressive.

We decided to meet tonight to go for dinner and so far, even though I haven't met him, I like this guy so I get dressed to the nines. I even got one of my gay BFF's stamps of approval ;-) (They KNOW more about sexy than most women do and they give the best blow job advice!.. Seriously) Thank God for them!  Stone wash Asymmetrical thin form fitting leather jacket, black thin strap top, black shiny spandexy looking tights and satin black high heels. Hair and makeup, done and done! If only I had a camera for the look on his face when I came downstairs lol Priceless. It's rare to watch a guys eyes pop out of their heads but at the same token quite... humbling. I mean, I know I looked good lol. I'm a confident woman but when a woman sees it on a guys face that she wants to impress it makes a sane woman feel really special but not in that "I-think-I'm all -that- and-a bag-of-chips!" kinda way lol. He literally walked right up to me and kissed me on the lips! A nice quick one but enough to catch me off gaurd in a great way. He then walked me to his car, opened the door and helped me into it. Impressed yet again. Wow. I'm expecting Candid Camera to pop up any moment and say " Smile! You're on Candid Caaaamera!" lol Is this for real?? I sure hope so...

We were originally on our way to a restaurant that I had selected when we were about to drive past one he's been to and he asks if I've ever been and I say no. He tells me how great the food is etc so I say, "Do you want to go there? I don't mind.." and he says "Ok, you're gonna love it! It's high end and a real classy place."  I have to admit he was right. He walks around the car to open my door, he holds my hand briefly leading up to the restaurant, he opens all the doors, he knows the staff through work related business, he lets me follow the host, he waits for me to be seated.. Holy crap! I mean if I didn't know better I'd SWEAR he read my blog! lol. The place is beautiful. Looks like an old renovated mansion but with old school decor. Stained glass portions in wood, huge chandeliers, beautiful china. Gorgeous.Throughout dinner we talk and every now and then a server that knows him comes to talk to him and they exchange pleasantries and I watch the interaction. He never talks down to anyone, he's never dismissive towards any of them, he says please, thank you and excuse me. He asks about business, their families etc. Most women might mind this but I don't. I recognize that this is part of his career in terms of maintaining relationships and sometimes business and pleasure mix. It happens in my own industry all the time so I'm quite patient. I also don't mind because it allows me to watch how he treats people. When he asks about wives and kids he is genuine. It's not just small talk to him. Again I'm impressed. I swear a 3rd eye is going to pop out any minute now!... How about NOW?! An extra arm maybe? No?.. or could this be the real deal??

We talk, get to know each other more and he's open, honest, curious about me and listens well. Every now then he touches my leg or arm and a couple times just leans over and kisses me gently ( we're sitting side by side) . He's definitely making it known he's into me. Anyway, we continue with our lavish meals, drinks and dessert. I order a Spanish coffee and I get the show of my life! The server comes with a whole cart containing fresh whipped cream, a couple of shots of Tia Maria for the coffee, a plate of sugar and this burner. It looks like a huge Bunsen Burner. He wets the glass, dips it sugar and lights the thing on fire by turning it over the fire!  The fire fills the cup and is a cobalt blue and he keeps turning it. He then lights the shot of Tia Maria in a small metal dish and proceeds to get it really heated up before he pours it into the glass. As he's pouring it looks like pure blue flaming liquid going into the blue flaming glass! Unbelievably amazing to watch! I wish I could remember what it was called! I was in shock lol.. I thought I was just getting a liitle coffee with alcohol and whip cream but instead I got this incredible show! First date to remember for both of us! After our fantastic meal he takes me home. He gives me a much longer good night kiss. The kind that tells you the sex is going to be crazy hot with him... one day. Not tonight because this guy's a gentleman. We've already established with each other the fact that we're both very interested in each other and obviously very sexually attracted but it's better to wait. He actually said " I'm really glad you didn't invite me back to your place because if anything had happened so early I probably would've lost interest. I like the chase." Lol.. Is this guy for real?? Is this a Big Foot sighting?? I thanked him for an amazing night. The dinner, the atmosphere and most of his company. He walked me to my lobby and watched me get into the elevator. Honestly guys, he nailed ALL of my First Date DO's, never hit a single  DON'T and so far he embodies what a gentleman is. If he set out to impress me, then consider the BFW officially floored and recuperating :-o !!! Lol ( Don't worry guys it won't interrupt the One Night Stand Blog ;).. It's almost ready to be

Stay tuned faithful BFW followers.. I'll keep you posted on POL who knows, maybe on the next date we'll go to the beach and he'll casually walk on water for me! At this point you never know lol ..

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